Meet BizzTreat

Meet BizzTreat

We love data. And we have that in common.

Radovan Jirka a JIří Tobolka

Data and business.
That's what we do.

"We're a group of like-minded people who love working on data projects. Instead of just an individual, we bring you the expertise of a whole team, because we believe that combining knowledge in data, business, and technology streamlines and simplifies life for companies. At the same time, we don't like complex analyses and we need to see meaning in everything we do. And above all, it needs to be fun both for us and the client."

Rado and JT
founders of BizzTreat

Our Values



We can quickly respond to the needs of our clients. These are no clichés. We rely on systems and experience, we are flexible and interchangeable. It is that simple.



We believe in progress and innovation, but not at any cost. Technology must serve us and not the other way aroud. This is why we only use tried-and-true technologies.



This is how we do things. We don't do things half-way. We deliver with precision and reliability. We perform as we would expect others to.

Who We Are as a Business

We Have a Vision

We Have a Vision

We understand that our work is never done. We recognize that there will always be more data, better interpretations, and evolving solutions. It's this understanding that drives us towards continual improvement.

Our aim is to support our clients' business success through effective utilization of data.

We Never Stop Improving

We Never Stop Improving

With each project, we gain invaluable experience. Feedback from our clients serves as evidence of our ability to tackle the challenges they present. But sometimes things don't go as planned. In those moments, we don't bury our heads in the sand; instead, we look for the best possible solution. And so far, we've always managed to find it.

One Team

One Team

We excel in both collaboration and constructive discourse, seeing value in both. Our ability to address challenges with a constructive mindset, drawing inspiration from one another, is what sets us apart. While we each bring our distinct personalities to the table, our shared passion for data forms a strong foundation for our teamwork.

ISO/IEC 27001 Certified Partner

ISO/IEC 27001 Certified Partner

The year 2023 was pivotal for BizzTreat as it obtained a certificate confirming its expertise and reliability in working with data, successfully passing an audit conducted by an independent certification agency. BizzTreat received official confirmation that its processes and procedures related to information security fully comply with the standards of the international norm ISO/IEC 27001.

"A highly technologically and process-mature company in the field of cybersecurity, far exceeding the maturity level of typical businesses in the Czech Republic."

Patrik Samko

Where is BizzTreat heading?

“Our vision is to help companies build a healthy business through data.”

Patrik Samko

BizzTreat Behind the Curtain

Join Us!

Data and business. That's what we do.

We are a team of data detectives and we are looking for other like-minded people.